Friday, October 9, 2009

Intricate Ikebana

I've just signed up to take Ikebana lessons, which is both exciting and daunting. The arrangements I've seen are always stunning, but I know so much thought and effort goes into each creation.

Ikebana is the art of flower arranging but it's more than just good form and colour, as in the floristry we are used to seeing. There is significance in the placement of the stems and branches and the lines, always defined at specific angles, create the balance between earth, heaven and humanity.

I went to a friend's Ikebana exhibition earlier in the year at Himeji's Egret Centre. Take a look at these.

Yellow and white

This one is one of my favourites, poppies ...

... as is this modern tulip arrangement in square glass vases

Capsicums and a mirror - meccha modern style

Love this one too - birds of paradise

Minimalist traditional style

Absolute minimalism

With rose petals - stunning!

I like all styles of Ikebana, but I think the modern formations are my favourite.

Until next Ikebana lesson,

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with the "Absolute Minimalism" and the one with "Poppies". They are absolutely fabulous!!

    Venkatesh, Tamilnadu, India
